About Us
Freight Forwarding Expert
Since incorporation in 2015, MFAZ has grown to become a major force in the flourishing and highly competitive forwarding business. From a handful of clients, we are proud to announce that our dedicated and loyal clients have increase tremendously.
MFAZ have a dedicated staffs working in the industries to work closely and communicate effectively with our Clients, Officers from the port authorities, custom departments, container terminals, other government agencies, hauliers, shippers, other forwarding agents and business suppliers.
MFAZ is motivated by progressive successes and increasing cargoes volume. Despite the current economic downturn, MFAZ is well committed to the service policy of “accuracy, cost competitive, efficiency, expedition and reliability” to all our valued clients.

Lt Kol Amirzali Mazli (R), is a CEO of Botol Anggun Sdn Bhd and Miraz Cosmetic Packaging Sdn Bhd that focus on supplying cosmetic packaging, printing and solution to cosmetic packaging who help product owners and cosmetic OEM industry solve their hectic problem on finding the right cosmetic packaging for their product. With an experience of importing cosmetic bottle from China since 2015, he develop a guide and solution for individual and business owner importing goods from China. He believe that everyone can import a varieties of quality goods from China and start their own business.
Before starting cosmetic packaging business, Lt Kol Amirzali had served the country for 23 years in Malaysian Army before deciding to join Petronas Carigali Iraq as Security Liaison Officer base in Iraq in 2013. He was then decided to take a chalenge and venture into a cosmetic packaging business in 2015. He posses a Diploma in Business Study from University Technology MARA in 1999 and Diploma in Strategic and Defence Study from University Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2005.
As a founder of MFAZ Ventures, he is responsible for driving the growth of the company to become one of the preferred freight forwarding provider in Malaysia.
To become the world’s preferred supply chain logistic company – applying insight, service quality and innovation to create sustainable growth for business and society.
1. Connected
We invest in insight to get to the heart of our customer’s challenges. We are open and transparent in the way we work.
2. Commited
Deeply involved in building relationships – everything we do is with the long term in mind. Our dedication to quality is the connerstone of our success – we get every detail right.
3. Creative
We are constantly developing better ways of working. If we find a better way of working, we act upon it and proactively share it.